Product Information Required To Import Articles Of Apparel and Clothing Accesories
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) requires that a tariff classification number as well as a proper description must be provided on the Canadian customs import declaration in order to obtain a customs release for imported goods such as articles of apparel and clothing accessories.
In order to benefit from reduced Canada customs import duty rates, the CBSA requires an importer or its customs broker to have a copy of all applicable certificates of origin on file at the time of the Canadian customs import declaration.
CBSA product information requirements for apparel and clothing articles
All imported products must be declared to the CBSA. Separate descriptions are required for each imported product. Here is a reminder of the product information required to properly describe and classify articles of apparel and clothing accessories:
Specify the type of imported product such as blouse, shirt, trousers, overcoat, cape, wind jacket, shorts, gloves, scarves, ties, bowties, tracksuit, swimsuit, or ski suit, etc.
Provide the full trade name, specification numbers, and style.
Provide the fibre content (percentage by weight of each type of fibre must be shown, such as 50% polyester 50% cotton) of the product.
Specify the construction of the textile material from which the product is made such as knitted, crocheted, woven, nonwoven, coated, impregnated, or laminated.
If a knitted upper garment, indicate the number of stitches per centimetre both vertically and horizontally.
Specify the gender and age of the individual for whom the articles are intended (e.g., babies, girls, women, boys, or men).
Note that babies’ garments and clothing accessories apply to articles for young children of a body height not exceeding 86 centimetres.
If men’s or boy’s shirts, indicate whether or not with a tailored collar.
If knitted or crocheted jerseys, pullovers, or cardigans, or waistcoats of cotton or man-made fibres, or knitted or crocheted tracksuits of synthetic fibres, indicate if brushed or fleeced.
If knitted or crocheted hosiery, specify yarn linear density/yarn size (decitex).
If gloves, mittens, or mitts, state the use (e.g., for work, for dress, or for liners).
If trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches, shorts, nightshirts, night-dresses, or pyjamas of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, indicate the type of fabric (e.g., corduroy, denim, or flannelette).
If handkerchiefs, shawls, scarves, veils and the like, not knitted or crocheted, state the dimensions in centimetres (e.g., 40 centimetres by 60 centimetres).
If belts, specify whether or not for occupational use (e.g., for electricians or aviators).
If shoelaces, specify whether or not braided.
Country of origin, quantity and weight
Provide the country of origin of each imported product, and obtain a certificate of origin in order to benefit from a reduced or free rate of duty.
Specify the number of units, if the products are sets, specify quantities of each article.
Provide the total net weight (of goods, not including packaging, shells, or containers), stating the units used.
Provide the total weight, including support if required (e.g., sewing thread).
Dilas International
Dilas International clients are reminded that all information required above will facilitate the Canada customs process and reduce the risk of delays at the border as well as guarantee that the correct rates of duties will be applied on all imported products.
Dilas International Customs Brokers can assist importers with Canada Customs import procedures or with the submission of an advance ruling for tariff classification to the CBSA.
For further information on additional services provided by Dilas International and to obtain our contact information, please visit our website at
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