Customs Broker Winnipeg
Dilas International Customs Brokers are happy to announce that our new addition – Winnipeg office – has been recently licensed by CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) to operate at the Winnipeg.
The office is located across the parking lot from Canada Customs exit into the Winnipeg at the following address:
Dilas International Customs Brokers in Winnipeg

One minute account set up process
No credit checks
Immediate submission of CBSA entries
Customs clearance of personal use imports
Declaring of Internet stores purchases
Imports from the USA or overseas
B13A Export
Request for Export Authorization ID
Customs HS codes determination
Electronic submission of B13A
Dilas International Customs Brokers serving Winnipeg and all of Manitoba
A look at Winnipeg’s transportation and logistics sector
Winnipeg is all about location, location, location. Centrally located in Canada, Winnipeg prides itself on its location. The City is located at the intersection of the Mid Continent Trade & Transportation Corridor and Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway. Winnipeg Is also host to CentrePort Canada, a 20,000 acre in-land port with direct rail connections to the United States and to the northern seaport of Churchill, MB. Winnipeg has a workforce of over 400,000 and the city is home to 4,300 transportation and distribution establishments that together employ more than 40,000 workers.
A look at Winnipeg’s Import activities by transportation mode
Air Cargo – Arriving by air carriers and air courier service providers arrives at the James Armstrong Richardson International Airport and international shipments are customs cleared at the CBSA airport commercial operations office in Winnipeg, MB (CBSA office number 510)
Air cargo companies as well as air couriers arrive in the Winnipeg area at the James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, where the CBSA has an office and where all air shipments are customs cleared weekdays. Dilas Intl deals daily with companies such as Air Canada Cargo, DHL, FedEx, and UPS. Dilas Intl always coordinates the submission of electronic PRE-ARRIVAL CUSTOMS RELEASE data and in other cases, post-arrival electronic customs releases with the air carrier, as well as with all the customs sufferance warehouse operators of your choice located on Sargent Ave.
Rail Cargo – Cross-border rail cargo destined to Winnipeg.
Rail cargo arriving from the United States is released at the border or moved in-bond to an inland rail depot in the Winnipeg area. In one case or the other, transborder rail cargo destined for Winnipeg and surrounding area businesses, usually arrives (enters Canada) at the Emerson, MB or Sprague, MB border crossings located on the Minnesota-Manitoba border. Dilas Intl works closely to coordinate the customs release of commercial freight with the CBSA and the Canadian National Railway (CNR), the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) rail carriers.
Inter-modal rail cargo destined to Winnipeg.
Intermodal freight (I.e.: Ocean cargo containers on rail cars) arriving from the Port of Vancouver or the Port of Prince Rupert n British Columbia, or the Arctic Port of Churchill in Northern Manitoba, and destined to Winnipeg, arrive either at the CP intermodal complex on Keewatin St. or at the CN intermodal complex at the Symington Yard on Plessis Rd.
International trucking terminals serving Winnipeg and area businesses.
Canada Customs Bonded Carriers – Trucking Industry: International (including cross-border / trans-border) freight arriving in Winnipeg by truck can be delivered directly to the importers facilities provided that the shipment was customs cleared (released by the Canada Border Services Agency) at a border crossing such as Emerson, MB when entering Canada. Truck cargo not released at the first point of arrival (FPOA) can be moved in-bond by a bonded highway carrier to an inland port such as CentrePort Canada or to a CBSA-registered warehouse such as a customs sufferance warehouse (Foreign Trade Zone / Free Trade Zone). Dilas can arrange for customs clearance of your personal or commercial goods and communicate directly with many carriers and sufferance warehouse operators in the Winnipeg area such as ABF Freight System, Con-Way Central Express, and Manitoulin Transport on Brookside Blvd., Reimer on Inkster Blvd., Portage Cartage on Keewatin St., and Concord Transportation on St. James St.
International Trade (import) statistics for the Winnipeg Census Metropolitan Area (CMA).
Here is a look at the 2011 import stats for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Area: In all, importers in the Winnipeg CMA imported a little bit more than 5.8 Billion dollars’ worth of goods in 2011. Here is a breakdown of $ Values of imports per community in the Winnipeg CMA: Winnipeg – $5.7 billion, Springfield – $56.3 million, Headingley – $41.1 million, and West St. Paul – $7.3 million.
Winnipeg import statistics indicate that businesses located in the city and surrounding areas are big players in the globalization of trade activities. Import Businesses are well served by Winnipeg’ transportation and logistics sector, and Dilas International Customs Brokers are happy to be part of the international trade industry.
If you are considering importing goods in the near future, contact Dilas today, and let us assist you put your import plans into motion.