Quick and reliable

Customs clearance services

Customs Brokers Canada


Straightforward account set-up process

No credit checks

Immediate submission of CBSA entries Note: CARM registration required


Customs clearance of personal use imports

Online purchases Customs clearance

Imports from the USA or overseas

CERS Export

Online registration of your business on CERS portal

Electronic Transmission

Amendments and Cancellations

We are a CBSA licensed Customs Brokers

Dilas International is a flexible independent Customs brokerage company and can deliver a personalized service matching the unique requirements of the importing community.

Being a licensed Customs broker with a national bond posted with the CBSA (Canada Border Service Agency) we take care of Customs clearance nationwide at all Canadian Customs offices using such EDI tools of the CBSA as Accelerated Commercial Release Operational Support System (ACROSS) including Pre-Authorized Review System (PARS) and Release on Minimum Documentation (RMD) options, and Customs Automated Data Exchange (CADEX). Dilas International is a proud corporate member of the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers. 

We guarantee to our clients electronic submission of a Customs entry to the CBSA within an hour of receiving a complete set of documents for an import shipment by fax or e-mail.

Clients Testimonials